I’m Off to Key Largo
Posted by DanaGillin under Key Largo Walking Trip | Permalink | | Leave A Comment | No Comments
I’ve had it. I’m leaving. I’m taking a trip Forrest Gump would be proud of. I’m walking to Key Largo from my home in Framingham, MA. It’s 1,572 miles and I’m determined to finally get back in shape. To get there by 12/31/14, I need to walk an average of 4.18 miles each day.
I even have a few new toys to help me. Paul is encouraging my trip so much that he bought them for me. My new FitBit Flex is keeping track of my steps, distance, food/calorie count, even sleep patterns. And my new Kindle Fire HD is going to keep me entertained.
No, our marriage isn’t on the rocks. And I love my home. And I have a hard time leaving my girls even for a few hours. I’m walking virtually. No, I’m actually walking… I’m just keeping track and virtually plotting it on a Google Drive spreadsheet and several maps I printed out. Our old treadmill is getting use again.
So since January 1, I’ve made or beat my goal of walking 4.1 miles/day.
In fact, I’m about 8 miles ahead of schedule, I think, at this point. Between 9 p.m. and 2 a.m. last night, I walked 9 miles. If you’re doing the math, yes, I took a break to have a bite to eat and fold some laundry. But I used my insomnia pretty well, I think.
I’m about 10 or 11 miles down Route 84 now, having already finished up the MA Pike.
I’ve watched several episodes of The Larry Sanders Show, which is my new classic show crush, as well as a couple of movies: The Guilt Trip and Vicky Christina Barcelona. With my awesome Amazon Prime membership, I get lots of shows and movies included/free.
It was nice to have a day off today, since I had a busy day planned that didn’t include hours of walking. And it was strange in a good way to go to bed with all 5 of my FitBit Flex goal lights illuminated last night. I have a 4.5 mile/day goal set, so that theoretically I can take every 11th day off if I need it. But so far I’m ahead of schedule. It feels good!