Welcome to optimism!
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I’ve spent my last week building a sparkly new website for the House Rabbit Connection, an organization for which I serve as a board member and volunteer my time. It got me to thinking “Why is danagillin.com, which I registered a while back, sitting there with nothing on it?”
So I decided to take action. And in looking for templates, I found this one, called Master Suite from Art House Web Design. The colors appealed to me — nothing too bright. And in researching it, I found this as the theme’s description:
The bright sun filtered perfectly through the pale lace sheers to cast a subtle design on the wall at the foot of the bed. The breeze through my window was infused with the scent of spring flowers and wild herbs. Only moments ago awakened by the blue bird parading along the sill, I lay snuggled between the soft, silken sheets breathing deeply with contentment. I knew that I was going to have a great day.
What a great image to have in mind as I start a new site!
I imagine this site will be a conglomeration of my other sites:
BunnyBlab.com — where I blab about my house rabbits and my kitty (kid-friendly)
PaulAndDana.com — which I neglect for long periods of time, but is a chronicle of sorts of my ventures with Paul, my husband.
FramesByDana.com — my crafting site, which Martha Stewart would be proud of (I’m convinced), if not for the design but for the entrepreneurial spirit. :-)
Twitter.com/bunnylvr — where I push my completely random thoughts to total strangers (and some friends).
What else this site turns into isn’t quite known yet. But isn’t that exactly the promise of a new day? To discover and explore and make something out of nothing?
Welcome to my journey, my passions, my hobbies, my life.